Baseball | Base Running

Down to First

Setting up the Drill

• Players line up at home plate in the batters box.
• Players take a swing (no bat) and run to first base at full speed.
• After crossing first base - players jog back to home plate.

Coaching Points

• Run through first base on a ground ball
• Foot should land on the front & center of the first base bag.
• Full speed past first base and then decelerate
• Look over right shoulder for possible over throw.

5-in-1 Base Running

Setting up the Drill

• 2 players at home plate; 1st player runs through 1st base bag and breaks down; 2nd player rounds first to 2nd base.
• 1 player at 1st base; runs to 3rd base
• 1 player at 3rd base; tags up to score on fly ball
• Coaches yells "Go" to start each player in motion

Coaching Points

• Full speed past first base and then decelerate; look over right shoulder for possible over throw.
• When rounding a base foot should land on the inside corner of the bag.