Baseball | Rookie Division

2024 Spring Season
Opening Day - Saturday, April 27th
Spring Season Finale - Sunday, June 29th
This in-town instructional league teaches basic skills (throw, hit, catch flies, field grounders, run bases) to small groups of boys and girls. The Saturday Skills sessions are devoted to instruction through station training. Games are Sundays at 8:30 AM in which batters are hitting soft toss from coaches. This level is for players that are 7-years-old as of April 30th.
Saturday Skills
Location:Nutile Field
Start Time: 8:30 AM
Duration: 90 minutes
Equipment Requirements: Glove. Helmet and bat are highly encouraged.
Sunday Games
Location:Nutile, Mullen or McDonald Field
Start Time: 8:30 AM
Duration: 60 minutes
Equipment Requirements: Glove. Helmet and bat are highly encouraged.
Drills and Training
Review the Skills & Drills recommended by the WYBS Directors of Player Development. These drills have been selected specifically for the Rookie age group.
Catching Drills
This drill is designed to teach young players to catch with their fingers up, starting without a glove.