Winchester Youth Baseball and Softball COVID-19 Guideline
for Phase IV, Step 1 | May 18, 2021
While Massachusetts remains in Phase IV, Step 1 of the state’s reopening plan, the following guidelines are in effect for all player activities (e.g. practices and games) organized by WYBS:
- Players are no longer required to wear masks.
- Coaches must wear a mask when unable to maintain 6 feet social distancing (e.g. while in dugouts, team huddles, etc.).
- Umpires can call a game from behind home plate as long as they wear a mask under their protective catcher’s mask.
No Touch Rule:
- Players should refrain from high fives, handshake lines and other physical contact with teammates, opposing players, coaches, umpires and fans.
- A “tip the cap” can be used following the game instead of the handshake line.
- All spectators are required to follow the Massachusetts outdoor protocols.
COVID-19 Symptoms or Known Cases:
- If any player or coach experiences symptoms of COVID-19 within 14 days of a WYBS activity, the player should inform his / her coach and the league’s COVID director before returning to any WYBS activity.
- If any player or coach has a known exposure to COVID-19 or tests positive for COVID-19, the individual should inform his/her coach and the league’s COVID director before returning to any WYBS activity.