By Jack Siciliano

The Dodgers and Padres played Thursday night in the second round of the playoffs. The Padres got off to a quick start, with a run in the first on a passed ball. They then continued that momentum into the second, getting four hits to score five runs. Ben Sauerman, Carter Myer, Luke Sardone, and Jack Lennon all contributed to the cause. They were robbed of more runs by Darin Shaw, who made a nice play in center on a well hit ball by Michael Condron. They added another in the top of third with Myer scoring on Sardone’s second double of the game.

The Dodgers finally got on the board in the bottom of the third, with Nitin Muniappan scoring on a triple by Parker Tamarro. The Padres got right back on offense in the fourth to score two runs on hits from Condron, and Max Murray. Tyler Bernstein put a charge into one, but it was caught in center field by Shaw. The Dodgers got another run back in the fourth, with Brendan Bock doubling, and coming around to score. The Padres then added two more in the fifth with a big triple from Luke Molloy to make the score 11-2. Louis Garciano finished off the game well for the Dodgers, limiting the damage on the mound in the sixth. Sardone pitched great for 4 ⅔ before he was taken out because of his pitch count.