Cardinals Prevail Over Dodgers, 10-8
By Zachary Yoon-Kim
The Dodgers faced the Cardinals on Friday, September 4th and got their scoring started early. Kaden Flummerfelt and Charlie Ihrig made it home after the Cardinals were caught sleeping after a walk and Rocco Bottari stole home off a wild pitch. The Cardinals’ Joe Kubiki answered when a wild pitch allowed him to make it home.
In the second inning, with two outs, Dodgers’ Charlie Ihrig sent both Rami Flummerfelt and Kaden Flummerfelt home with an RBI single. The Cardinals brought the game back to 1 after Adam Krogmeier sent Kai Napadow and Thomas Blake home off a double, and Louis Garciano scored off a wild pitch. After a scoreless inning for the Dodgers, the Cardinals took the lead with Teddy Angell and Thomas Blake running in for the score.
The 4th inning was high scoring for both teams. Kaden Flummerfelt, Charlie Ihrig, Brady Ihrig, Nick Rotundi, and Rami flummerfelt all made it home for the Dodgers. Down 10-6, the Cardinals responded with an insane 8 run rally. Eli Krogmeier, Kai Napadow, Teddy Angell, Thomas Blake, Louis Garciano, Adam Grogmier, Joe Kubiki, and Charlie Angell all scored.
In the top of the 5th, the Dodgers scored once to bring the deficit back to 3, and the Cardinals were unable to score in the bottom half of the inning. The Dodgers managed a run in the top of the sixth to cut the lead to 2, but no one else scored for the Dodgers, ending the game, 10-8.